
Attracting Women- 3 Tips for long Term Success

This is the age old quest men have been setting out on ever since the beginning of time. Men have been been practicing pick up lines, reading up on "seduction" tricks, and trying to impress women in countless ways. Though, the way to attract women is not through techniques or tricks, it's through something you've had ever since you were born and using it will not only attract women but it will make many fall in love with you. Here's three ways to win the women you want.

1. Be Yourself

This is the most important takeaway point from this article. Always be yourself as acting like someone else or trying to impress women with a false personality, trying to sound more successful will only get you in trouble. Think about it, if your are genuinely yourself than you are going to attract women who are a good fit for you. Trying to be someone else is not only misleading but it can send weird vibes to other women. Many will pick up on when you are putting on a false front- and it send a red flag up because it seems like your are hiding something. If you think women won't like you for who you are mistaken, certain types of women will like you for who you are and those are the women you want to attract. The other women who don't like you for you aren't what you are looking for in a relationship.

2. Substance over Flash

Many women are initially attracted to men with money. Though, it doesn't matter if the guy is a millionaire because if the guy is a complete jerk or has no personality, doesn't make her feel special, etc... she won't be sticking around with him for long. Women want to feel special, they want to know that you care about them- genuinely care about them, and most of all they want emotional intimacy. It may surprise you but men also want emotional intimacy almost as much as women do. Unfortunately, many men don't know how to show it do to socialization. Men who flash cash may get women but most of those women won't stick around if there is no substance beyond the bank account. Though, it does help to have a stable source of income.

3. Be Socially Adaptable

If your social skills are sub par then brush up on them. You need to be comfortable speaking to people as a prerequisite to speaking with women. Women will find shy guys cute and endearing but if you're not speaking enough she might think you're not interested or might get bored.

On the other end of the spectrum if you're nervous and are speaking too much she might get scared away with too much information.

You need to know how to break the ice without delivering a worn out, idiotic pick up line, how to answer her questions appropriately and directly without sounding evasive and just how to show her what kind of person you are during the conversation. Be yourself, but brush up on your social skills if you're lacking them.

You want to be able to gauge someone's body language because body language makes up the majority of human communication.

If you just be yourself, show her you're about less flash and more substance and have appropriate social skills you'll attract a great woman for the long term relationship. (Yes, I used the word LTR for all the commitaphobes to get over their fear)

The Basics of Women

So you want to know about women. Women can seem complex and often are just like anyone else, even some men can be complex. But there are fundamentals about women that you need to consider before you hit the dating scene.

The first thing you need to know about women is no two women are the same. They may act similar, they may look similar but they aren't similar. Don't apply a one size fits all kind of "techniques" to women because it will not work. Just be yourself around them, it's OK to be nervous but just be yourself.

You'd be surprised at how such common sense advice gets thrown to the wayside but it is so important to just be yourself. You'll find a women will like you for you. Really you will.

The second thing about women is women have a great sense of smell and are attracted to certain types of male scents. It seems bizarre to many men but it actually has been studied that a woman's sense of smell is more powerful than a man's. This doesn't mean walk into a bar smelling like a gym locker room or the elephant pen at a zoo, this simply means that the type of smell you give off (your natural body scent) is largely out of your hands on how women respond to it. This is a small part of the mate choosing process but it still plays an important role.

This is a subconscious way they choose their dates as it is linked back to when we were primates swinging from trees thousands of years ago. Women use their sense of smell to sniff out bad mates. Women select mates based on health and their well being, you not only need to look healthy and be (somewhat) in shape but you need to actually be physically healthy so they can have healthy offspring. Pheromones and hormones play a very important role in dating, evolution is truly amazing :)

Finally, women are constantly thinking about multiple things at the same time when you are talking to them- and they are thinking things about you. Women are analyzing you when you are speaking to them to ensure you are telling them the truth and to confirm you are who they think you are. Even though they may seem in a relaxed state their guard is still up. They want to be absolutely sure they are making the right choice. "He seems like a nice guy but is he really?" "Is that mole on his neck?" "Why is he looking around, is he looking at another woman?"

They have the right to have their guard partially up during your date, many women have been burned by jerks or have bad dating experiences. They only have their experience to go on, that's all they know. Guys have been burned also by bad dates.

With that said, sometimes though women over-analyze situations and things you say in your conversation so be prepared as they may go into analyze overdrive and will only realize it later. If you're giving off weird vibes such as shifty eyes or it seems like you're lying (and you will be caught in a lie eventually), if you are a pick up artist, or treat a waitress poorly this is not only very unattractive it is downright douche bag behavior to be blunt. Expect the date to end abruptly or early.

In summary, be yourself and don't lie (you won't need to keep up with a lie) will be able attract women who are a good fit for you. Remember these very fundamental ways of women and you should be alright.